Something in My Closet

by Teresa Cain



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There's something in my closet
Something really really bad
There's something in my closet
that I really fear like mad.
There's something in my closet
with shining eyes so bright
There's something in my closet
with great white teeth that bite.
There's something in my closet
and it moves while I'm asleep
There's something in my closet
So I just won't make a peep.
There's something in my closet
Whatever could it be?
There's something in my closet
And it doesn't care for me.
There's something in my closet
let it stay there - it's okay.
'Cause that something in my closet
could come out... and want to play.


Site design ©2001 by Cindy Rosenthal
Something in My Closet ©2001 by Teresa Cain

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