Whatever You Want

By George Woodruff



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What would I do to ease the pain?
How would I help you past the sorrow?
I could hold you, kiss you, touch you.
Rock you in my arms. Sing to you.
I could bath you, washing your hair,
With a gentle touch, massaging you
Removing the strain that knots your body.
I could make love to you.
Kissing your lips with tender passion,
Your neck and throat with heated ardour.
My hands caressing your body
Exploring the wonders of your flesh
Seeking those secrets of yours
That bring you joy with each discovery.
My lips would traverse you.
Caressing with aching tenderness.
My tongue bathing you.
My teeth teasing.
Nibbling here and there.
Playfully at your lobes,
Throat, breasts.
Moving further down
From those high mountains
To the plains below
Seeking the Valley of the Jade Gate.
I could dally in the garden I find there.
Seeking through the foliage
Searching for the arch of that mysterious gate.
And finding it, I would marvel at it.
Caressing the sides and lintel.
My tongue, teeth and lips
Exploring the Keystone
Seeking to unlock the mysteries within.
And when the gate opens
And the waters pour forth
If you wanted me to
I could love you.
Sliding into that racing current
Bathing in that hot spring
Swimming in that ocean
Driving beneath the surface
Playing like an otter.
Moving left and right
Surfacing like a dolphin
Diving like a seal
Moving swiftly like quicksilver salmon
Or slowly like the great whales
Rising like a tsunami
Catching you up in that ecstasy
That takes you to heaven
Again and again
And then lingering like a bead of dew
Holding you in the afterglow
Caressing you as you drift of to sleep.
I could do that
Or, if you prefer
I could just sit there and listen
Be that shoulder you need.
Whatever you want.


Site design ©2001 by Cindy Rosenthal
Whatever You Want ©2001 by George Woodruff

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